I was born in 4th of April in 1985
in Ankara, Turkey.
I started my education in Hirfanli
First School, continued in Batikent
First School and
Kent-Koop First School then graduated
TEK First School in 1999.
In 2003 I get my high school degree from
Ankara Ataturk Lisesi which is also
known as Ataturk
Anatolian High School. And I continue my
university education at
Hacettepe University Physics Engineering
After a jump start to my higher education I almost gave up and stop taking lectures from
Hacettepe. Then I continued to Open University (ex Williamsburg) and obtained a degree.
Later, I became a student of Hacettepe again.
¬ I've been awarded as Turkish Model
Student of the Year in 1993.
¬ I won numerious prizes from painting
contests organised by TEMA Foundation, Sumer Bank
and National Productivity Center.
¬ I started to play volleyball in Emlak Bank
and continued in Yenisehir and SSK.
¬ Between 1999 and 2003 I joined METU
Team and during this
period I won 3 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medal (1 personal and 6 crews) from Turkish Championship
and Turkish Cup regattas.
¬ In 2002 I designed a web site
for a friend so started to deal
with these works.
¬ In 2002 I have been honoured by
Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs
due to my contributions in Turkish
Seamanship and Cabotage Festival and I
have received my appreciation from
Government Minister Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ramazan
¬ 2003 was the year that I took part on
foundation process of Hacettepe
University Automobile and Motor Sports
Club (HUNOMOST) and I'm still a member of the board
of directors. I support the club on its
¬ In 2004 I started to work in imaj
ajans as a part time web master but
company bankrupted and my first work experience ended shorter than expected.
¬ Since 2004 as a marshall with an "A
Licence" I've been taking official duties
on track races and rallies including
Formula 1 Turkish GP and WRC Rally of
¬ In motor sports I've been honoured
many times but the most important ones
are the followings, appreciation given by the Turkish
Automobile Sports Federation's President
Mumtaz Tahincioglu for my
contributions to the first ever Formula
1 Turkish GP in 2005 and a plaque presented by the
Scientific and Technological
Research Council of Turkey for the contributions I made
to our country's development due to my great support
to the Formula-G (Solar) and Hydromobile Races in 2007.
¬ In 2005 I missed a co-piloting offer
due to my busy examination schedule and maybe it was
my first and last chance to race.
¬ In 2006 I attended to the Balkan Physical
Union's 4th International Student
(ISCBPU 4) in Bodrum.
¬ Between 2007 and 2008 I worked for
Rallidergisi.com as a freelance editor and translator.
¬ In 2008 I managed Arkas Racing's web site and Arkas Automotive Turkish Rally Championship's online results system.
¬ In 2008 I worked for Ekonomize magazine as the editor in chief for 3rd and 4th issues.
¬ In 2009 I worked for Info-Biz as a part time web developer.
¬ In 2011 I was invited to Google's SMB Day in Istanbul.
¬ In 2011 I attended to BeEAMS meetings in Sarajevo and Rome.
¬ In 2011 I started to work for Kodobur as a part-time web developer.
¬ In 2012 I attended to Google's Maps and Search Processes Training in Zurich.
¬ In 2014 I attended to Erasmus+ Info Day in Brussels.
I live in Batikent, Ankara with my family and I continue my
visual communication design and software development works.